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Thursday, 01 February 2024

Oath-Taking Ceremony for the New Doctor of Batch LIV Period I 2024

The Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti held the Oath-Taking Ceremony for the New Doctors of Batch LIV Period I, 2024, which took place at the Auditorium in Campus B – Ki Hajar Dewantara Building, Universitas Trisakti.

The ceremony was simultaneously attended by 15 new doctors and was led by the Dean of the Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti, Dr. dr. Yenny, Sp.FK., accompanied by the Vice Deans and their staff.

Following this, the Dean expressed her joy towards the 15 new doctors who successfully earned their medical degrees. She emphasized that the doctor’s oath marks the initial step in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities as a doctor. After this, they will commence their internship program regulated by the Indonesian Internship Committee. The medical profession is an honorable one, bound by the doctor’s oath to serve the public health professionally and selflessly. Doctors are obliged to adhere to all government regulations in the fields of health and medicine, follow the rules of professional organizations, collaborate with fellow doctors, and uphold professional ethics and interpersonal relationships.

In this period, one of the top graduates is Dr. Rofi Alwan Hibatullah, who achieved the highest score in UKMPPD with a score of 81.5, OSCE with a score of 88.03, and an overall GPA of 3.82. With the graduation of these 15 new doctors, the Medical Faculty of Universitas Trisakti has successfully graduated 7492 doctors to date.

May the newly doctors carry out their duties responsibly, apply their knowledge to improve the health of the Indonesian people, and uphold the good name of Universitas Trisakti.

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