Research Ethics Committee

Research Ethics Committee

  1. About Us

The Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Trisakti University  functions independently and is assigned to support the researchers in adhering to the ethical principles of biomedical research, including obtaining ethical clearance for their research projects. The research study to be conducted should meet the ethical standards, including honoring the dignity, rights, safety and welfare of the subjects participating in the study. The Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Trisakti University has the responsibility to protect the research study subjects and to take into account the risks and benefits for the community in the study site. The main objective is to promote a high ethical standard in health care studies. The said research studies are biomedical studies (using pharmaceuticals, health care equipment, radiation, photography, surgical procedures, medical records, and biological specimens) and epidemiological, social and psychosocial studies.

  1. Organizational Structure of the Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University (KER FK Usakti)
Chair:Prof. Dr. dr. Adi Hidayat, MS
Secretary:dr. Alvina, Sp.PK
Members:Prof. Dr. dr. Pusparini, Sp.PK
Dr. Drs. ML Eddy Parwanto, MBiomed.
dr. Rita Khairani, M.Kes, Sp.P
Dr. dr. Laksmi Maharani, Sp.OG (K)
Dr. dr. Patricia Budihartanti L, M.Gizi, Sp.GK
dr. Jihan Samira, MPd.Ked, Sp.MK
dr. Nany Hairunisa, MCHSc
  1. Flow of Research Ethics Clearance Process, Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University
  1. Manuals, Guidelinesand forms
    (Click on the following titles to download the files)
  1. International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects – CIOMS ethical guideline 2016
  2. Declaration of Helsinki, Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects
  3. Manual on Good Clinical Testing (Buku Pedoman Cara Uji Klinis yang Baik, CUKB 2016)
  4. Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice – ICH GCP E6 R2_GCP
  5. Guide for The Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
  6. The ARRIVE Guidelines Checklist – Animal Research
  7. Law no. 36 of the year 2009 on health (UU no 36 th 2009 tentang kesehatan)
  8. Request form for Research Ethics Clearance

Contact Us:
Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University
6th floor, Extension Building, Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University
Jl. Kyai Tapa no 260, Grogol
Jakarta 11440
Telephone: 021-5672731

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