Research and Community Service Council, Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University


“To become an information-technology based research and community service unit, that is of Trikrama Trisakti character and able to output and develop high-quality research and community service, particularly in occupational medicine, thus realizing the vision of the Faculty of Medicine.”

1. To conduct research in occupational medicine that is based on science, technology, and innovation.
2. To perform community service of Trikrama Trisakti character through application of occupational medicine to improve public health.

The Faculty Research Council (FRC) as coordinator and facilitator of research activities has work programs under the coordination of the University Research Council (URC).

The Faculty of Medicine also has a unit for Community Service that functions under the coordination of the Institute for Community Service at Trisakiti University.

Functions of the Faculty Research Council

  1. To develop information-technology based research, particularly in the field of occupational medicine.
  2. To administer and complete the management of research at the Faculty of Medicine, both between departments and between Study Centers. 
  3. To enhance the lecturers’ capacity and interest and facilitate them to conduct research and develop science, technology, and innovation. 
  4. To monitor and evaluate the conduct of research programs at the Faculty of Medicine of Trisakti University.

With reference to the Master Plan for Research of Trisakti University for the years 2016-2020 that has four fields of excellence, the Faculty of Medicine has implemented one of these fields of excellence, namely the field of “Biomedical and Behavioral Science” with the subfield of health behavior, i.e. occupational medicine. Based on above-mentioned reference, the priority for research of excellence at the Faculty of Medicine for the time periods of 2016-2020 and 2020-2024 is among others:

  1. Occupational Medicine (psychosocial sciences, ergonomics, chemistry, biology, physics, ergonomics and health, and occupational safety)
  2. Biomedical and health sciences 

Research at the Faculty of Medicine of Trisakti University is directed at conducting research in occupational medicine that is based on information technology and to develop science, technology, and innovation, such that the research topics are organized with an emphasis on the field of occupational medicine by delving into occupational diseases and occupational safety from the aspects of:

  1. Science 
  2. Identification of risk factors 
  3. Management 
  4. Control 

with the aim of supporting the government by suggesting recommendations about the formulation of health care policies and occupational safety.

Targets, Achievement Strategies, and  Implementation Capacity, namely:

  1. To realize a good inter-departmental research culture and coordination system on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine through:
    1. The program for reinforcing the inter-departmental research growth and quality coaching system 
    2. The program for increasing the quantity and quality of publications of scientific works in accredited national and indexed international scientific journals 
    3. The program for increasing the quantity and quality of scientific works in national and international forums
  2. To realize the creation of a research atmosphere that supports an increase in scientific publications in national and international scientific journals:
    1. The program for improving the skills of the educational staff in regard to standard rules of scientific writing 
    2. Increasing student involvement in the research activities of educational staff
    3. Increasing the supporting infrastructure for research activities 

Based on Rectoral Decree of Trisakti University No. 609/Usakti/SKR/IV/2020 dated April 6, 2020, on the appointment of the Council for Research and Community Service of Trisakti University, the following organizational structure of the Council for Research and Community Service of the Faculty of Medicine (DRPMF) was decided on:

Organizational Structure of the Council for Research and Community Service of  the Faculty of Medicine of Trisakti University for the Period of 2020 – 2022


President: Dr. dr. Elly Herwana, M.Biomed, Vice Dean I (Ex-Officio)
Vice-President /
Daily Executive President
: Dr. dr. Husnun Amalia, Sp.M
Science Coordinator : Dr. dr. Tjam Diana Samara, MKK
  1. Dr. dr. Patricia Budihartanti, M.Gizi, Sp.GK
      2.  Dr. dr. Agnes Tineke Waney Rorong, Sp.KJ
Community Service Coordinator: dr. Arleen Devita, Sp.MK
  1. dr. Sisca, M.Biomed
  1. dr. Yuliana, M.Biomed


Road Map Penelitian  klik disini
Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Penelitian edisi 2018 klik disini
Tamplate Proposal Penelitian Dosen FK TA 2021/2022 klik disini
Time table kegiatan PKM TA2020-2021 klik disini
Buku Petunjuk Teknis PKM klik disini
Tamplate Proposal PKM Format SIMPPM klik disini
Sistem pengajuan proposal dan pelaporan kegiatan PKM klik disini
Template Laporan Manual PKM Format SIMPPM klik disini
Template laporan mandiri format SIMPPM disini
Contoh Berita Acara Kegiatan PKM klik disini
Contoh Surat Permintaan Mitra klik disini
Email : drffk@trisakti.ac.id (Penelitian) / pengabdian.fk@trisakti.ac.id
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