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Wednesday, 20 March 2024


The Asian Medical Students’ Association of Universitas Trisakti (AMSA-Usakti) has organized the Event of the Year 2024 (EOTY) and PLANTATION (Prevention of Hypertension) on Saturday, March 8, 2024, located at the Social Welfare Agency for Elderly Protection and RPTRA Rambutan Tanjung Duren.

This event consisted of free health check-ups and education by Dr. Wawan Kurniawan, Sp.PD, regarding Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, as well as fun educative games with children, with the participation of Dr. Triasti Khusfiani, Sp.FK, and Dr. Nabila Maudy, M.Biomed, as the mentors of AMSA-Usakti.

In its execution, the Asian Medical Students’ Association of Universitas Trisakti (AMSA-Usakti) conducted an Open Volunteers program, successfully recruiting 70 volunteers to participate in both events.

Source: AMSA FK Usakti Student Affairs

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