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Tuesday, 05 December 2023

Abdimas 2023 at Universitas Trisakti Nagrak Campus

In commemoration of the 58th Dies Natalis of Universitas Trisakti, the Medical Faculty organized an event named ABDIMAS 2023, centered around the theme “Chase – Community Health Awareness.” This activity took place on Sunday, December 3, 2023, at the Nagrak Campus Universitas Trisakti.

ABDIMAS 2023 represents a collaborative effort involving lecturers, students from the class of 2022, student organization management from the class of 2020, educational staff, and alumni. Additionally, the event garnered participation from the general public, with approximately 780 individuals actively engaged.  

This event commenced with speeches from:

  1. Chairman of the Student Committee, Muhammad Osama
  2. Chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM), Khusyasyi Irzha Madani
  3. Head of Nagrak Village, Kec. Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency, H. Agus Sahrudin, SPd.
  4. Head of Ciangsana Village, Udin Saputra, SH, MM
  5. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Usakti, Dr.dr. Yenny, Sp.FK
  6. Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Tubagus Ferdi Fadilah, Sp.A., M.Kes

In an interview, the Dean of the Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti, Dr. dr. Yenny, Sp.FK, expressed the commitment of the Faculty not only as an educational institution but also to provide services and research that will be implemented in community service. This activity also encourages students to be able to provide optimal services when they enter the medical profession.

The subsequent opening was conducted by Mr. H. Agus Sahrudin, SPd, as the Head of Nagrak Village.

In this Community Service, 13 activities were carried out, including:

  1. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department: Screening for Anemia, Nutritional Disorders, and Menstrual Disorders in Adolescent Girls
  2. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department: Reproductive Health Education for Adolescent Girls
  3. Department of Mental Health: Recognizing Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
  4. Neurology Department: Stroke Education and Its Risk Factors
  5. Department of Surgery: Education and Examination of Prostate Hyperplasia
  6. Microbiology Department: Education on Preventing UTIs and General Health Services for the Elderly
  7. ENT Department: Ear Examination and Cleaning
  8. Department of Pathological Anatomy: Cervical Cancer Education and Free Pap Smear Examination
  9. Department of Internal Medicine: Education and Screening for Fatty Liver
  10. Pharmacology Department: Introduction to Medicinal Plants Beneficial for Controlling Blood Pressure
  11. Pharmacology Department: Screening for Diabetes Mellitus and Education on Self-Management of Blood Sugar Control
  12. Anesthesiology Department: Emergency Handling of Choking Individuals
  13. Anesthesiology Department: Education on Metabolic Syndrome as a Risk for Degenerative Diseases and Prevention Measures

This event aims to cultivate the sensitivity, ethics, communication, and intelligence of medical students as future doctors who will directly engage in educating the community about healthy lifestyles and disease prevention. It also serves as Universitas Trisakti’s contribution to the surrounding Nagrak Campus community.

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