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Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Universitas Trisakti Faculty of Medicine Wins 3rd Place in the Tropical Infections Category at the 2024 Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO)

The 2024 Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO) is one of the flagship programs of the Indonesian Medical Students Senate Association (ISMKI). ISMKI, the only official organization representing medical student executive bodies across Indonesia, was established under Decree No. 61/DIKTI/Kep/1989 by the Director General of Higher Education. Through its Medical Education and Profession Division, in collaboration with 21 institutions in DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, and West Kalimantan, ISMKI aims to develop the potential of the nation’s future medical professionals. One of these initiatives includes hosting the RMO.

This year, the RMO was held offline at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung. The categories for competition included Digestive, Musculoskeletal, Tropical Infections, Cardiorespiratory, Neuropsychiatry, and Urology & Reproductive Health. Each institution affiliated with ISMKI Region 2 could send two delegates per category.

Each RMO category included elimination, semifinal, and final rounds. Teams competed for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place titles in each category.

This year, Universitas Trisakti’s Faculty of Medicine secured 3rd place in the Tropical Infections category, represented by Levina Gabrielle Hermawan and Marshella Yangelina. The RMO encourages medical students in ISMKI Region 2 to participate confidently, engage in healthy competition, and broaden their knowledge. It is hoped that these students will become well-rounded future doctors who can contribute meaningfully to the healthcare field in Indonesia.

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