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Monday, 05 February 2024

Handover of Positions for the Vice Deans of the Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti

The Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti held a handover ceremony for the positions of Vice Deans in the areas of General and Financial Affairs, Student Affairs and Alumni, as well as Planning, Development, and Cooperation on Thursday, February 1, 2024, at the Mini Theater Room in Campus B – Ki Hajar Dewantara Building. The handover was conducted by:

  1. Dr. Purnamawati Tjhin, MPd.Ked, handing over the position of Vice Dean for General and Financial Affairs to Dr. Erlani Kartadinata, Sp.M.
  2. Dr. Tubagus Ferdi Fadilah, Sp.A., M.Kes, handing over the position of Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni to Dr. Donna Adriani KM., M.Biomed, AIFO.
  3. Dr. Rita Khairani, M.Kes., Sp.P., handing over the position of Vice Dean for Planning, Development, and Cooperation to Dr. Jihan Samira, M.Pd.Ked., SpMK.

The event was conducted in a hybrid format and was attended by the Chair of the Faculty Senate, Professors, current and former Deans, Heads of Undergraduate Medical Education Programs, and Medical Profession Programs, as well as the Vice Deans and academic community of the Faculty of Medicine at Trisakti University.

As part of the event, the Dean administered the oath to the Vice Deans, witnessed by representatives of various religious beliefs. The program also included the release of the outgoing vice deans and speeches from the newly appointed Vice Deans for the 2024-2029 term.

Congratulations to the Vice Deans on their new roles, and heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing Vice Deans for their time, thoughts, and efforts during the previous term.

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