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Thursday, 12 September 2024

Study Visit from the Faculty of Medicine, Wahid Hasyim University

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the Faculty of Medicine from Wahid Hasyim University conducted a visit to the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Trisakti. The delegation was received by the Dean, Vice Deans, along with the Heads and Secretaries of the Study Programs. This visit was aimed at a comparative study to update learning facilities and infrastructure in medical education.

The event began with a welcoming session and a presentation of the profile of Trisakti’s Faculty of Medicine by Dr. Jihan Samira, MPd. Ked, Sp.MK, the Vice Dean for Planning and Development, who also served as the Head of the organizing committee for this study visit.

This was followed by remarks from both institutions and introductions to the leadership teams of each university. Afterward, a discussion and a tour of the laboratories at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti, took place.

During the lab visit, the deans and delegation from Wahid Hasyim University were very enthusiastic. They posed many questions, particularly regarding the facilities in Biomedical Laboratory 1. The event concluded with a group photo session.

It is hoped that this comparative study will be beneficial for updating the learning facilities and infrastructure in medical education at Wahid Hasyim University.

News source: Public Relations of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti.

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