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Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) Student Achievement Selection (PILMAPRES) 2024 at the Faculty Level

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti, organized the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) Student Achievement Selection (PILMAPRES) 2024 at the Faculty Level, marking the ninth time it has been held at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti.

The event was opened by Dr. dr. Yenny, Sp.FK as the Dean, and Dr. Donna Adriani KM, M.Biomed, AIFO as the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, and was attended by the Vice Dean I and II of the Faculty of Medicine, the Adhoc Team of Higher Education, Program Heads, and Sub-Program Heads of Medical Education at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti, including;

  1. Vice Dean I: Dr. dr.Verawati Sudarma, M.Gizi, Sp.GK
  2. Vice Dean II: dr. Erlani Kartadinata, Sp.M
  3. Assistant to the Vice Dean III: dr. Yudhisman Imran, Sp.N
  4. Head of the Medical Education Program: dr. Fransisca Chondro, M.Biomed, AIFO-K
  5. Secretary of the Medical Education Program: dr. Dian Mediana, M.Biomed
  6. Dr. Mustika Anggiani, M.Biomed, AIFO
  7. Dr. Kurniasari, M.Biomed

Jury Team:

  • Creative Idea Poster Presentation: Prof. Dr. dr. Pusparini, Sp.PK (K) and Dr. dr. Laksmi Maharani, Sp.OG
  • English Language Proficiency: Dr. dr. Patwa Amani, M.Kes and Dr. Nany Hairunisa, MCHSc
  • Outstanding Achievements: dr. Fransisca Chondro, M.Biomed, AIFO-K and dr. Mulia Ramansyah, Sp.Rad

Supervising Lecturers:

  • Dr. dr. Raditya Wratsangka, Sp.OG, Subsp. Ogynsos
  • dr. Lie T. Merijanti, MKK
  • Dr. dr. Lily Marliani S, Sp.OG, Subsp. Ogynsos
  • dr. Purnamawati Tjhin, M.Pd.Ked
  • Dr. dr. Verawati Sudarma, M.Gizi, Sp.GK
  • Dr. dr. Patricia Budihartanti, M.Gizi, Sp.GK
  • dr. Monica Dwi Hartanti, M.Biomed, Ph.D
  • dr. Joice Viladelvia Kalumpiu, Sp.FK
  • dr. Yudhisman Imran, Sp.N
  • dr. Donna Adriani KM, M.Biomed, AIFO

The awarding ceremony was held on Thursday, March 14, 2024, with the following recapitulation of scores:

1st Place: Ainaya (030002100009) with the title “RINGER: ‘Risk Managing Epilepsy Reminder: Preventing recurrent seizures from your phone”; Supervisor: dr. Yudhisman Imran, Sp.N, entitled to receive SKPM/SKPI certificate and a coaching award of Rp.5,000,000 from the Faculty and representing the Faculty of Medicine for the Student Achievement Selection at the University Level.

2nd Place: Cephas Lee Nafaro (030002200168) with the title “BUMIL: Physical Exercise Application for Pregnant Women”; Supervisor: dr. Donna Adriani K.M., M.Biomed, AIFO and entitled to receive SKPM/SKPI certificate and a coaching award of Rp.3,000,000 from the Faculty.

3rd Place: Dyah Oktavia Sagita (030002100043) with the title “Let’s Prevent Stress Starting from Walking”; Supervisor: dr. Lie T. Merijanti, and entitled to receive SKPM/SKPI certificate and a coaching award of Rp.2,000,000 from the Faculty.

4th Place: Fania Sabila (030002200063) with the title “Aginganxiety Phenomenon in Young People and Its Relationship with Depression” Supervisor: dr. Purnamawati Tjhin, M.Pd.Ked and entitled to receive SKPM/SKPI certificate and a coaching award of Rp.1,500,000 from the Faculty.

5th Place: Fanny Izzati M (030002200065) with the title “Vape-free generation: Shaping a Healthy Future through Digital Education”; Supervisor: dr. Monica Dwi Hartanti, M.Biomed, Ph.D and entitled to receive SKPM/SKPI certificate and a coaching award of Rp.1,250,000 from the Faculty.

6th Place: Gracesya Alviona (030002200072) with the title “Utilization of Technology for Stunting Prevention”; Supervisor: Dr. dr. Verawati Sudarma, M.Gizi, Sp.GK and entitled to receive SKPM/SKPI certificate and a coaching award of Rp.1,000,000 from the Faculty.

Participants of the PILMAPRES selection who did not meet the best criteria, namely Salsabila Yana Legita (030002100155), Supervisor Dr. dr. Patricia Budiharti, Sp.GK, M.Gizi; Nikita Astami (030002200123), Supervisor Dr. dr. Raditya Wratsangka, Sp.OG, Subsp. Ogynsos; Arella Fina (030002200027), Supervisor dr. Joice Viladelvia Kalumpiu, SpFK; and Pinkan Putri Nabila (030002200128), Dr. dr. Lily Marliani S, Sp.OG, Subsp. Ogynsos; are entitled to receive SKPM/SKPI certificate and a coaching award of Rp.500,000 each from the Faculty.

Proud and highest appreciation for the active participation of Universitas Trisakti medical students. This activity is expected to motivate students to have comprehensive intelligence that balances both hard skills and soft skills.

Source of News: Student Affairs Division, Faculty of Medicine.

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