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Monday, 02 September 2024

Inaugural Lecture at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti: Welcoming Future Doctors

Jakarta, September 2, 2024 – The Faculty of Medicine Universitas Trisakti held its Inaugural Lecture for the 2024/2025 Academic Year at the Ki Hadjar Dewantara Auditorium, Campus B, and via Zoom Video Conference. This event marked an important moment for new students as they embark on their journey toward the medical profession.

The event began with registration and preparations by the organizing committee, followed by the screening of a profile video, the PKKMB FK Usakti jingle, and an IT safety briefing. The event was officially opened with the singing of the national anthem, “Indonesia Raya,” and the Universitas Trisakti Mars, led by the MC, Dr. Mustika A.P, M.Biomed, AIFO.

On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Yenny, Sp.FK, delivered the opening remarks. She expressed her hopes that students would make the most of their learning opportunities to become competent, ethical, and socially responsible doctors. Meanwhile, Vice Dean III, Dr. Donna Adriani K.M., M.Biomed, AIFO, in her remarks, also emphasized the importance of commitment and integrity in pursuing medical education.

In addition to the speeches from the Dean and Vice Dean III of FK Usakti, the event featured a presentation by the Head of the Tangerang City Health Office, Dr. Dini Anggraeni, MM, titled “From Classroom to the Pinnacle of Service: Weaving the Dream of Becoming a Leading Doctor.” In her presentation, Dr. Dini encouraged students to aspire not only to serve patients but also to lead and contribute to the development of the healthcare system.

The event concluded with a discussion and Q&A session moderated by Vice Dean III, Dr. Donna Adriani K.M., M.Biomed, AIFO, where participants actively asked questions and engaged in discussions about the challenges and opportunities in the medical field.

Through this Inaugural Lecture, it is hoped that students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Trisakti will have a strong foundation to achieve success in the medical field and become leading doctors in the future.

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