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Friday, 24 November 2023

FK Awards 2023

The Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti organized the FK Awards 2023 event on Thursday, November 23, 2023, in the Auditorium Room, 2nd floor, FK Usakti.

The event was opened by the Dean of the Medical Faculty, Dr. dr. Raditya Wratsangka, Sp.OG. Subsp. Obginsos. In his address, he emphasized that this event is part of the series commemorating the 58th Dies Natalis of Universitas Trisakti.

Dr. Raditya expressed profound appreciation to all lecturers, educational staff, and students who received awards. Subsequently, the event proceeded with the announcement of awards for lecturers, educational staff, and exceptional students.

Hopefully, these awards from the Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti can provide enthusiasm to be able to motivate, create, and work harder.

News Source: FK Usakti Public Relation

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