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Wednesday, 04 September 2024

Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) Universitas Trisakti

Universitas Trisakti held a series of Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) events on August 23, 24, and 28, 2024. The event was attended by more than 2,800 new students, with the theme “Young Trisakti: Progressive and Achieving.”

The first day of PKKMB was opened with a welcome speech by the Rector of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, followed by the official presentation of the participants’ alma mater jackets. In his speech, the Rector stated that PKKMB is a series of activities designed to help new students adjust to academic and student activities. Through this event, the Rector hopes to enhance students’ potential, creativity, and innovation.

The first day also featured a speech by the Chairperson of the Trisakti Foundation, Prof. Ainun Na’im, Ph.D., M.B.A., followed by presentations from both internal and external speakers, including a representative from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), delivered by the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology. The event also included the signing of the inauguration plaques for the Usakti Prima Medika Clinic and the Usakti Food Hall.

On the second day of PKKMB, presentations were given by the Vice Rector III, representatives from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora RI), and other internal speakers from Universitas Trisakti. The day also featured introductions to student organizations and activities, along with performances by the university’s Music and Cultural Arts Student Activity Units (UKM).

Additionally, the third day of PKKMB, held on August 28, 2024, included the Trisakti English Proficiency Test (TEPT) for new students, in collaboration with the International Office for Cooperation and Culture (KUIKK). The test was conducted at the Extension Building of the Faculty of Medicine on Campus B and was followed by a Student Activities Expo at Campus A.

PKKMB is a mandatory activity for new students, designed to instill Universitas Trisakti’s core values and educational philosophy, fostering pride in becoming part of the Trisakti community.

Source: Public Relations, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Trisakti

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